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Super oils: Know their process and why choose them

Team Kumara
January 25, 2023

In the industrial market, there are different types of oils that vary according to the extraction process carried out on the raw material. These can be refined oils or unrefined oils (cold-pressed or expeller); which go through oil extraction processes that vary according to the characteristics to be obtained and the raw material to be processed. As its name indicates, these types of extraction are called: extraction by mechanical pressing (expeller pressing or hydraulic pressing), solvent pressing and super citric fluids.

Given the existence of a wide range of oils and oil processes: What is the best oil to consume? And what is the best oil extraction process?

Refined oils are those that were subjected to heat and chemical solvents to extract the oil (pressed by solvent or by supercritical fluids), which generates a better industrial performance of plants such as soybeans, corn or sunflower seeds. However, this process produces an oil of low quality in terms of health properties.

Unrefined oils are those usually known as “virgin”, which means that the oil has been mechanically extracted without heat or chemical solvents (Mechanical Pressing).

Recent research indicates that it is better to handle mechanical pressing since, unlike pressing by solvent or supercitrical fluids, it does not cause loss of product properties. On the contrary, it generates the obtaining of higher quality oils, with more purity and with better retention of natural flavor.

Akinfenwa, A. et. al (2020)

For this reason, industrial companies usually extract superfood oils (Super Oils) by mechanical pressing in order to maximize the obtaining of all the good components for health.

Unrefined oils can be obtained by two processes: cold pressing or expeller pressing.

By cold pressing they refer to those oils that do not use heat during their extraction process. When high temperatures are applied to the raw material, there may be a loss of volatile aromas, antioxidants, vitamins and polyphenols. On the other hand, by expeller pressing it refers to the crushing in a mill to obtain the oil. In the process, the seeds are loaded into the machinery to obtain the pressed cake and extract the final oil. However, due to the friction generated by the process, it is necessary to regulate the temperature (between 60°C to 70° C), which prevents the degradation of the oil, allowing the necessary nutrients to be obtained.

Since it is of great importance, both processes are handled at Kumara due to the characteristics of the machinery, product conditions, customer requirements and oil quality. In addition to the use of technologies, oil filtering processes are carried out that ensure the elimination of possible impurities. This makes it possible to reaffirm compliance with the quality standards required by each of the clients.

Want to know more about super oils, see the following:

If you want to need products with specific parameters (color, flavor, aroma, peroxide density, among others)

  1. Akinfenwa, A. O., Cheikhyoussef, A., Cheikhyoussef, N., & Hussein, A. A. (2020). Cold pressed chia (Salvia hispanica L.) seed oil. Cold Pressed Oils, 181–190. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-818188-1.00015-3 
  2. Mehmet et al., 2018; Yilmaz, & G€unes¸er, 2017)
  3. Schwingshackl L, Bogensberger B, Bencic A., Knuppel S, Boeing H. y Hoffman G. Efectos de los aceites y las grasas sólidas en los lípidos sanguíneos: una revisión sistemática y un metanálisis en red. Revista de Investigación de Lípidos . 59(9): 2018 1771-1782. Obtenido de: http://www.jlr.org/content/early/2018/07/13/jlr.P085522.full.pdf
  4. Sernaque, W. (2021). Aprovechamiento de las semillas residuales de frutos utilizados en la agroindustria para la extracción de aceite. Trabajo de suficiencia profesional. Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Lima, Perú.
  5. Ugarte, P. (2021). Extracción de aceite de semillas de aguaymanto (Physalis peruviana) con prensa-expeller, caracterización y predicción de su vida en anaquel. Tesis Ing. Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Lima, Perú.
  6. Fernández, J. (2018). Extracción enzimática del aceite de moringa (Moringa oleífera) con prensa-expeller y determinación de su tiempo de vida en anaquel. Tesis Ing. Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Lima, Perú.