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BRCGS: Proudly Certified!
Worldwide, in the food industry the production of safe and quality food it’s of vital importance. The most legitimate and verifiable way to do this is by obtaining certificates that guarantee compliance with food safety.
One of the most recognized certifications in the world is the BRCGS.
In this sense, What does it mean to obtain the BRCGS Certificate? Or what is BRCGS?
The BRCGS standard is a global tool based on food safety standards and methodologies that helps companies to produce and control their products. This standard constitutes a regulatory framework that specifies safety, quality and performance criteria that must be applied to guarantee food safety in the manufacture, processing and packaging of products.
This standard requires the development and compliance of four points: commitment of the management team in accordance with the requirements of the standard, a quality management plan that includes organization and management procedures and policies, a food safety/ HACCP plan that allows focusing on food safety hazards; and prerequisite programs for good manufacturing, laboratory, and hygiene practices.
Today, the BCRGS certification is recognized by GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) and a lot of retailers, companies in the food industry and producers around the world, who request this certificate when evaluating the capacities from your suppliers.
For Kumara, obtaining the BRCGS certificate with an AA grade (high score) means pride and hard teamwork, since going through the certification process requires demanding processes that are necessary to reaffirm their commitment to food safety, legislation and protection of their consumers.